Study Claims Disrespect is Number One Factor in Nursing Home Staff Turnover Rates in Illinois and Nationwide

Initial data collected by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh recently found that about 82 percent of certified nursing assistants (CNAs) surveyed enjoy their jobs. In addition, approximately 80 percent claim to be loyal to their workplace and a whopping 90 percent reportedly feel that what they do for a living makes the world a better place. Oddly, the very same workforce also has a surprisingly high turnover rate.

As part of a long-term study, researchers at the University’s Center for Health and Care Work surveyed 1,400 CNAs and other direct care workers in an effort to ascertain why employees choose to stay at or leave their jobs. The currently ongoing study was designed to last for a period of two years and direct care employees who participated in the initial survey will reportedly be interviewed again in a series of nine-month intervals. In the future, researchers hope to examine whether employees who resigned also changed industries.

Despite often low pay and difficult work, most CNAs who responded to the survey reported high levels of job satisfaction. Still, few opportunities for advancement, understaffing, inadequate continuing education, and a lack of mentorship reportedly contributed to direct care worker dissatisfaction. According to researchers, however, the number one reason CNAs and other direct care staff leave a care facility is a disrespectful management team. CNAs surveyed reportedly told researchers that they most often leave a particular job due to unrealistic expectations regarding the amount of daily work that can successfully be accomplished.

A high rate of direct care staff turnover can have a dramatic impact upon the quality of care nursing home residents in Illinois and throughout the nation receive. An inadequate number of CNAs or quickly and poorly trained workers can also have a significant effect on resident health and safety. Although the problems associated with low staff retention rates are allegedly recognized by most administrators and managers of skilled nursing facilities throughout the country, the University of Pittsburgh study illustrates that there may still be a long way to go before the issue can be fully addressed.

A stable workforce is an important indicator of quality elder care. Sadly, insufficient staffing levels are a common factor in nursing home abuse or neglect in Illinois and nationwide. The Illinois Nursing Home Care Act required nursing homes to increase the number of direct care hours provided to residents in order to adequately meet their needs. If your friend or loved one was harmed while residing in an Illinois skilled nursing facility, you should contact a qualified nursing home abuse and neglect lawyer to discuss your concerns.

If you believe someone you love was the victim of mistreatment at an Illinois nursing home, please contact the experienced lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. Our dedicated Chicago nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week to help you protect the rights of your senior or disabled loved ones. For a free consultation with a capable Illinois lawyer, do not hesitate to give Abels & Annes, P.C. a call at (312) 475-9596 or contact us through our website.

More Blogs:

Study Finds Anti-Psychotic Drugs Are Over-Prescribed in Veterans Affairs Nursing Homes Located in Illinois and Throughout the Nation, Illinois Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Blog, December 21, 2012
Top Nursing Home Violations in Illinois and Nationwide Now Available Online, Illinois Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Blog, December 18, 2012
Additional Resources:

Getting to the bottom of CNA turnover, by Dr. Jules Rosen,

Dave Abels

Published by
Dave Abels

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